Katherina Reiche

Katherina Reiche
CEO, Westenergie (West Energy AG)Katherina Reiche is the CEO of Westenergie. She is also a Member of the Sustainability Advisory Board of Vodafone Germany, VGP, and the University Advisory Board of Hochschule Fresenius. She completed her education from University of Potsdam.
News mentions
Katherina Reiche is chairwoman of the Hydrogen Council of the German Federal Government. This was decided by the Council, which consists of 25 high-ranking experts from industry, science, and civil so...
At the beginning of July, the European Union presented its hydrogen strategy. The aim is to support the achievement of climate targets by expanding the use of hydrogen (H2) as an energy carrier and to...
In the run-up to the July 9 inaugural meeting of the National Hydrogen Council established by the German federal government, E.ON has called for a green-gas quota. The share of fossil gases must...
The city of Essen has become smarter. This is made possible by 15 new intelligent streetlights, which E.ON, the city of Essen, and the Essener Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft (EVV) have official...
Following the European Commission’s clearance of the takeover of innogy today, E.ON intends to swiftly carry out the integration of innogy into the Group. “The new E.ON’s future...
Municipal heat planning is a cornerstone of the heat transition in Germany. All cities and municipalities must submit their plans by mid-2028 at the latest. This requires broad expertise to answer th...
On April 1, 2024, Dr. Catharina Friedrich will take over the management of the Westenergie subsidiary - DigiKoo GmbH, which provides municipal utilities, municipalities, network operators, and utility...
The energy system of the future is being developed in the town of Arnsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia. Westenergie has teamed up with partners from business, science, and politics to launch the Sauerla...
In order to achieve the climate targets and reduce carbon emissions, politics and businesses are increasingly turning to hydrogen as a climate-neutral energy carrier while also working to expand r...
How energy in the future will be generated? How are e-mobility, smart homes, and quantum computers changing an industry that is moving towards carbon neutrality and greater sustainability? More than 6...
Katherina Reiche is chairwoman of the Hydrogen Council of the German Federal Government. This was decided by the Council, which consists of 25 high-ranking experts from industry, science, and civil so...
At the beginning of July, the European Union presented its hydrogen strategy. The aim is to support the achievement of climate targets by expanding the use of hydrogen (H2) as an energy carrier and to...
In the run-up to the July 9 inaugural meeting of the National Hydrogen Council established by the German federal government, E.ON has called for a green-gas quota. The share of fossil gases must...
The city of Essen has become smarter. This is made possible by 15 new intelligent streetlights, which E.ON, the city of Essen, and the Essener Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft (EVV) have official...
Following the European Commission’s clearance of the takeover of innogy today, E.ON intends to swiftly carry out the integration of innogy into the Group. “The new E.ON’s future...
Municipal heat planning is a cornerstone of the heat transition in Germany. All cities and municipalities must submit their plans by mid-2028 at the latest. This requires broad expertise to answer th...
On April 1, 2024, Dr. Catharina Friedrich will take over the management of the Westenergie subsidiary - DigiKoo GmbH, which provides municipal utilities, municipalities, network operators, and utility...
The energy system of the future is being developed in the town of Arnsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia. Westenergie has teamed up with partners from business, science, and politics to launch the Sauerla...
In order to achieve the climate targets and reduce carbon emissions, politics and businesses are increasingly turning to hydrogen as a climate-neutral energy carrier while also working to expand r...
How energy in the future will be generated? How are e-mobility, smart homes, and quantum computers changing an industry that is moving towards carbon neutrality and greater sustainability? More than 6...