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Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Plan 2026-2029

Ameren Illinois proposed an ambitious plan to help its residential and business customers further reduce their energy usage, lower their carbon footprint, and save on their monthly energy bills. The plan submitted to the Illinois Commerce Commission targets 1,122 GWh of electric savings through energy efficiency upgrades from 2026 to 2029, which is expected to save customers over $2 billion over the life of the upgrades. Electric and gas efficiency programs Ameren Illinois will invest $145 million per year over the next four years to deliver electric and gas efficiency programs that include residential incentives for major home upgrades, such as heating and cooling systems, air sealing, and insulation. For business customers, the program will fund advanced technologies, such as smart thermostats, variable speed drives, demand-controlled ventilation, and ductless heat pumps. Greenhouse gas emissions Additional investments will equip community-based organizations to deliver energy efficiency services Additional investments will equip community-based organizations to deliver energy efficiency services, boost job creation, and strengthen economies in downstate Illinois. Execution of the plan is also expected to lower greenhouse gas emissions in support of Illinois' Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) goals. energy price volatility and supply shortages "This plan builds on the success of our industry-pioneering energy efficiency programs and ensures that our customers have the opportunity to benefit from the programs that they are paying for," said Lenny Singh, Chairman and President, Ameren Illinois. Lenny Singh adds, "Using energy wisely is the surest way to lower monthly energy bills. At the same time, it is a proven line of defense against energy price volatility and supply shortages, and a key tool in the fight against climate change." Ameren Illinois' energy efficiency programs Ameren Illinois' energy efficiency programs have achieved significant milestones Since 2018, Ameren Illinois' energy efficiency programs have achieved significant milestones, saving customers approximately $881 million on their electric bills. Business customers have saved over $427 million on their energy bills after utilizing program upgrades. Additionally, the program has saved more than 2.5 million MWh of electricity, which is the equivalent of removing nearly 1.7 million metric tons of CO2, removing 396,000 passenger vehicles from the road for one year, or providing electricity to more than 228,000 homes for one year. Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Plan Highlights of the 2026–2029 Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Plan: Residential Energy Savings – Ameren Illinois will invest $75 million per year in electric and gas incentives and rebates to spur adoption of energy efficient products, appliances, and equipment, and deliver home assessments to help customers uncover energy efficiency opportunities in the home.    Business Energy Savings – Businesses will see a swift return on their investment for energy efficiency upgrades, typically covering costs within an average of 1.8 years. After their return on investment, these businesses will benefit from ongoing energy savings. Market Development Initiative – Ameren Illinois will invest more than $5 million per year to deliver energy efficiency benefits to underserved customers and communities. Partnerships with local community organizations will build greater community engagement, create energy industry jobs, and deliver cost savings to the customers who need it the most. Since 2018, Ameren Illinois has invested over $201 million to help reduce the energy burden of income-qualified customers. Investing in energy efficiency "Energy efficiency directly impacts our businesses in downstate Illinois because every dollar that a business saves on their energy costs can be reinvested into their processes, products, people and communities," said Kristol Simms, Vice President of clean energy transition, economic, community and business development for Ameren Illinois. Kristol Simms adds, "Businesses can count on Ameren to help them protect their bottom line. Investing in energy efficiency will lead Illinois towards a more sustainable and prosperous future." Energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions "The investment made into utility energy efficiency programs today will save energy, reduce energy bills, improve indoor air quality, and create family-sustaining jobs for the future," said Kari Ross, Midwest Energy Affordability Advocate at NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). Kari Ross adds, "Energy efficiency is the most cost-effective resource to reduce energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen our power grid, and support Illinois’ climate goals for a clean energy economy."

Ameren Selected For MISO Energy Projects In Midwest US States

The Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) has selected Ameren to build multiple critical energy infrastructure projects that will carry clean, reliable energy to distribution grids in Missouri, Illinois and several Midwest states. The projects, which MISO estimates will represent a total investment of approximately $1.3 billion, are part of a portfolio of energy infrastructure investments under MISO's Long-Range Transmission Plan. Strengthening the transmission system “As demand for reliable energy increases, it is imperative that we strengthen the transmission system to utilize diverse energy resources across the Midwest to support the needs of our residents and businesses,” said Shawn Schukar, Chairman and President of Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois, a subsidiary of Ameren Corporation (AEE). He adds, “The energy delivered by these projects will boost reliability and enable the bi-state region to compete for economic development opportunities, including the expansion and relocation of energy-intensive industries.” Ameren can get transmission systems energized faster Shawn Schukar continues, “Ameren can get these transmission systems energized faster and for less cost than other companies. We appreciate MISO's confidence in our team to take on these important projects.” Increasing access to diverse energy resources across the MISO footprint will ensure customer affordability The energy corridors identified in MISO’s Tranche 2.1 portfolio will work in conjunction with Ameren's current transmission system to enhance reliability and resiliency for customers, while supporting economic development. Increasing access to diverse energy resources across the MISO footprint will ensure customer affordability and access to clean energy for millions of people. Ameren to bid on Tranche 2.1 infrastructure projects Ameren plans to bid on other infrastructure projects in Tranche 2.1, where the company’s capabilities and current resources would enhance reliability, resiliency and affordability for customers. “While Ameren participated in the competitive bidding process for Tranche 1 and plans to do so again, we believe in establishing energy policy that allows the trusted local provider to develop these projects, reducing unnecessary costs and delivering value to the customers sooner,” said Shawn Schukar. He adds, “When we lead these critical projects, we finish them faster and maximize economic development.”

Ameren Missouri Launches Multiyear Cost Saving Programs For Customers

Ameren Missouri. will continue providing customers with opportunities to save money and energy after the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC) recently approved the company’s revised multiyear energy efficiency and demand response plan, under the Missouri Energy Efficiency Investment Act (MEEIA). Program portfolio  The energy company’s portfolio includes the continuation of familiar programs for residential customers, including Peak Time Savings, instant discounts on smart thermostats, and the Pay As You Save (PAYS®) home energy assessment.  Business customers can also continue taking advantage of its demand response program and business energy savings program, BizSavers®. Additional programs Additional programs available through Ameren Missouri include: The Single-Family Income-Eligible program provides a comprehensive package of whole-home upgrades and aims to achieve >10% energy reduction per home. The Multifamily Income-Eligible program provides enhanced incentives for energy-saving upgrades that help tenants save money on energy costs while reducing maintenance costs for property owners. A Business Social Services program to support energy efficiency upgrades (including assistance with completing paperwork) at facilities that supply food, shelter, and other forms of care. And coming later this year: FastTrack HVAC, an additional channel in the PAYS program for HVAC system installation that will allow expedited replacement of systems and financing through bill payments. energy efficiency and demand response “Ameren Missouri’s energy efficiency and demand response programs have been extremely beneficial to customers, communities, and the state of Missouri for over a decade,” said Tony Lozano, director of energy efficiency and demand response at Ameren Missouri. “These cost-saving programs are more important now than ever before as we work with stakeholders to position Missouri as a great place to live and do business." PSC-approved programs The PSC-approved programs advance Ameren Missouri’s ongoing investment in energy and cost-saving opportunities on customers’ bills and have historically helped customers save more than $2.9 billion on their energy bills over the lifetime of their energy-efficient upgrades. The programs include: $75 million in total rebates and incentives for residential and business customers. $20 million was allocated for income-eligible customers and social service agencies. A goal of producing 102,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) in energy savings – equal to the annual energy consumption of 8,300 average-sized Missouri homes. $51 million invested annually in 2025 and 2026 toward customer demand response and energy efficiency programs, and $22 million in 2027 for demand response programs. The plan and programs are the result of a proposal originally filed with the PSC in 2023 and later amended in 2024.
