Ofgem News
In just 10 days’ time, Glasgow’s SEC will be abuzz with renewable and low-carbon energy experts from home and overseas at the annual All-Energy and co-located Dcarbonise exhibition and conference. The Rt Hon Humza Yousaf MSP, First Minister of Scotland, will be speaking in the opening plenary session on Wednesday 10 May, and four of his Ministers will also be taking part in relevant sessions during the two-day event. Decarbonization “We are delighted by this l...
Ofgem has confirmed a five-year investment package for the electricity distribution network companies to help deliver cheaper, cleaner, more reliable local grids at no extra cost to consumers. renewable energy sources A key requirement of the plan will be for networks to focus the investment on supporting the move away from a high dependence on imported fossil fuels, towards using more homegrown, cleaner, cheaper, and secure sources of energy. The potential of renewable ener...
As energy costs continue to climb, everyone is keeping a close eye on their smart meters. People across the UK are tightening their belts for a tough winter – and bracing for household bills of up to £4,000, when the government’s energy price freeze evaporates in April 2023. During a cost-of-living crisis, it’s natural to focus on immediate expenses and short-term savings. The bigger picture often becomes blurred, with global challenges like CO2 emissions and clima...
Ofgem is launching a new package of reforms designed to bolster consumer protection and ensure energy suppliers are more resilient to market shocks. The proposals include the introduction of capital adequacy requirements which will help reduce the risk and cost of supplier failures. Renewable Obligation receipts Ofgem will also be requiring suppliers to ringfence Renewable Obligation receipts and monitoring closely the use of credit balances. The proposals look to protect current and fu...
Energy regulator Ofgem has issued Delta Gas and Power Ltd with a Final Order, compelling it to pay £530,809.20 plus interest in outstanding Renewables Obligation payments. Delta is a non-domestic supplier, serving 1,690 business customers in the UK. Delta failed to pay into the buy-out fund or present the required number of Renewable Obligation Certificates by 31 August and 1 September 2022 respectively, and is now compelled to pay by the late payment deadline of 31 October 2022 with accr...
Ofgem has appointed Octopus Energy to take on supplying UKEIH’s 3000 domestic customers. This follows a competitive process run by Ofgem to get the best deal possible for customers. Funds that current and former domestic customers of the supplier have paid into their accounts will be protected, where they are in credit. Domestic customers will also be protected by the energy price cap with their new supplier. Choosing another energy supplier For existing UKEIH custome...
Ofgem has put forward a range of potential reforms to reduce Britain’s reliance on expensive gas imports and accelerate the transition towards cleaner, more secure and affordable supplies of home-grown energy. This reflects a world where the economics have changed, and renewable options are increasingly the cost-effective choice. Last October, the UK Government pledged to decarbonize all electricity generation by 2035, subject to security of supply, a key milestone on the path to hit net...
Jonathan Brearley regularly talk to customers so he knows that many readers will be extremely worried about rising energy bills. This is a difficult time for many households. Customers struggling to pay for their energy may be eligible for extra help such as debt repayment plans, emergency credit for prepayment metered customers, priority support, and schemes like the Winter Fuel Payment, and Brearley would encourage anyone struggling with their bills to get in touch with their energy company t...
People have been asking this question a lot more lately, and Ecotricity can completely understand why. It seems counterintuitive that the cost of clean green energy should be going up just because of the cost of polluting brown energy. Ecotricity's founder Dale Vince has addressed this in his recent podcast, here are two of the main reasons why they are in the place. Covering the cost of policy failure Ecotricity has recently been hit with additional costs of nearly £...
Charging an EV will become as familiar to them as filling up at the pump. But, unlike going to a petrol station, EVs can be charged at home, at work, at destinations like cinemas and supermarkets, and on the go. Ofgem explains how the supply rules apply in different charging scenarios. Providing clarity to EV drivers, local authorities, investors and ChargePoint operators is crucial in enabling the roll-out of the EV infrastructure needed. Ofgem official Kevin Baillie explains how new guidance...
The UK Government has announced it has appointed Ofgem as the heat networks regulator for Great Britain to ensure consumers receive a fair price and reliable supply of heat, as we make the transition to net zero. The appointment was announced as part of the UK Government’s plan to further expand Great Britain’s network of low-carbon heating. Heat networks Jonathan Brearley, the Chief Executive of Ofgem, said, “We welcome the Government’s announcement that it will appoi...
Ofgem has launched a global initiative, together with the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and the World Bank, to accelerate the energy transition to provide clean, secure, and affordable supplies to everyone. The world quickly needs to find cleaner ways to generate electricity, heat and cool homes, and power transport and industry to support global climate goals. Developing energy systems Energy regulators have a significant role to play i...
Bluegreen Energy Services Limited has announced they are ceasing to trade. Bluegreen Energy supplies around 5,900 domestic customers and a small number of non-domestic customers. Under Ofgem’s safety net, customers’ energy supply will continue and funds that domestic customers have paid into their accounts will be protected, where they are in credit. Domestic customers will also be protected by the energy price cap when being switched to a new supplier. Things to do Custome...
Ofgem has appointed Octopus Energy to take on supplying Avro Energy’s approximately 580,000 domestic customers. This follows a competitive process run by Ofgem to get the best deal possible for customers. Outstanding credit balances, including money owed to both existing and former domestic customers of Avro Energy, will also be honored. Domestic customers will also be protected by the energy price cap with their new supplier. continuous energy supplies Customers of...
Ofgem has appointed Shell Energy to take on supplying Green Supplier Limited’s (‘Green’) approximately 255,000 domestic customers, and a small number of non-domestic customers. This follows a competitive process run by Ofgem to get the best deal possible for customers. Outstanding credit balances, including money owed to both existing and former domestic customers of Green Supplier Limited, will also be honored. Domestic customers will also be protected by...
Kwasi Kwarteng, UK Business and Energy Secretary, and Jonathan Brearley, Ofgem’s Chief Executive have issued a joint statement - “The recent increase in wholesale global gas prices continues to be a cause of concern for consumers, businesses and energy suppliers across the UK. We want to be clear that this is not an issue of supply – the United Kingdom benefits from having a diverse range of gas supply sources with capacity that can more than meet demand.” The joint stat...
EDF has stepped in to help customers left without a supplier after Utility Point ceased trading on 14 September 2021. EDF will take on approximately 220,000 Utility Point domestic customers. EDF has agreed to protect any money a customer may be owed and existing customers’ credit on their accounts will be transferred to their new account with EDF. Energy supply Customers’ energy supply will continue as normal as they switch over to EDF Customers will be matched to standard variab...
Ofgem has appointed EDF to take on supplying Utility Point’s approximately 220,000 domestic customers. This follows a competitive process run by Ofgem to get the best deal possible for customers. EDF is offering customers a competitive tariff. Outstanding credit balances, including money owed to both existing and former customers of Utility Point, will also be honored. For existing Utility Point customers, energy supplies will continue as normal as they switch over to EDF on 18 Septe...
Ofgem has launched an investigation into Community Energy Scheme UK’s sales and customer service practices. Ofgem’s investigation is in relation to sales practices, and solar panel installations, for social housing tenants in Stoke-on-Trent. Investigation details The investigation will examine whether the company breached consumer protection rules, including potential breaches of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 and the Consumer Contracts (Informa...
Hub Energy, a gas and electricity supplier with around 6,000 domestic customers, and 9,000 non-domestic customers, is ceasing to trade. Under Ofgem’s safety net, the energy supply of Hub Energy’s customers will continue and outstanding credit balances of domestic customers will be protected. New supplier to take on all of Hub Energy’s customers Ofgem will choose a new supplier to take on all of Hub Energy’s customers Ofgem will choose a new supplier to take on all of...
Ofgem, the energy regulator, has set out final proposals to help millions of micro business customers get a better energy deal. Energy brokers help busy micro businesses to compare the market and find a better deal on their energy. But Ofgem found a minority of brokers engage in poor practices with opaque fees for brokerage services. In one case, 50% of the total contract cost (around £24,000) comprised broker commission fees that the consumer was not made aware of pre-contract. Su...
Ofgem has appointed EDF to take on supplying Green Network Energy’s approximately 360,000 domestic customers and a small number of non-domestic customers. It has appointed British Gas Evolve, a trading name of British Gas Trading Ltd, to take on supplying Simplicity Energy's approximately 50,000 domestic customers. This follows a competitive process run by Ofgem to get the best deal possible for customers. competitive tariff EDF and British Gas Evolve are offeri...
EDF has stepped in to help customers left without a supplier after Green Network Energy ceased trading on 27 January 2021. The supplier will take on Green Network Energy’s 360,000 domestic customers as well as a smaller number of non-domestic customers, and has agreed to protect any money a customer may be owed. price decrease Customers’ energy supply will continue as normal as they switch over to EDF Existing customers’ credit on their accounts will be transferred across t...
Ofgem has appointed Scottish Power to take on supplying Yorkshire Energy’s (also known as Daisy Energy) 74,000 domestic customers and a small number of non-domestic customers. This follows a competitive process run by Ofgem to get the best deal possible for customers. competitive tariff Scottish Power is offering customers a competitive tariff. Outstanding credit balances, including money owed to both existing and former domestic customers of Yorkshire Energy, will also be honored...
Ofgem has confirmed plans to strengthen protections for customers who are struggling to pay their energy bills in winter. Following a consultation in June, Ofgem is introducing new license rules for suppliers from 15 December. One will require suppliers to offer emergency credit to customers struggling to top up their prepayment meter, many of whom are likely to be in vulnerable circumstances. This could be because they temporarily cannot afford to top up or get to their local shop to top up be...
Ofgem is consulting on issuing seven suppliers with final orders to compel them to make £33,861,450.83 in outstanding payments owed to comply with the Renewable Obligations (RO) scheme and pay £158,814.47 in Feed-in Tariff (FIT) levelization payments. The seven suppliers are Co-Operative Energy Limited; Flow Energy Limited; MA Energy Limited; Nabuh Energy Limited; Robin Hood Energy Limited; Symbio Energy Limited; and Tonik Energy Limited. ROCs Under the governments’ R...
The price cap will fall by £84 from £1,126 to £1,042 per year for the winter period (October-March). This is the lowest level of the cap since it was introduced on January 1, 2019. The level of the cap for pre-payment meter customers will fall by £95 from £1,164 to £1,070 per year for the same six month period. The changes mean that around 11 million households on default tariffs and 4 million on prepayment meters (around half the population in total) will en...