Helios Electric News

Motor Bus Transfer Techniques For Industrial Applications

City commuters often think about transferring between passenger bus routes to reach their final destination. Helios Electric discusses the merits of transferring electrical power sources between the distribution buses that feed electrical loads. Various configurations to accomplish this task have been available for many decades, yet some of these methods are not well understood. Some may think that automatic transfer upon loss of power (with a manual return) is the only option because that is t...

Cost-Effective Electrical Design For Wastewater Treatment

Three aspects to consider when building or upgrading the wastewater treatment facility include: standards, equipment, and design. By focusing more time on the design, people can save money on construction because a proper design will permit less rigorous equipment. Standards When constructing electrical systems for wastewater treatment facilities, the following need to be considered: National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 820 – Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatmen...

Benefits Of Protective Relays In Source Synchronization

There are many benefits to using the latest protective relays available in the market. Fast communication and better system protection are two such examples. This article explores both concepts about source synchronization for generator paralleling schemes. To meet the requirements for large-scale electrical distribution systems, multiple generators often need to be paralleled (operate in tandem). Hence, the synchronization of generator sources becomes a very important aspect when multiple gene...

Important ANSI Relays For DC Traction Equipment Safety

While AC system protection is well known and applied throughout the power system industry, there is also protection needed for complex DC equipment. This includes DC traction power systems associated with railway electrification. Below are some of the methods of protection that a Power System Engineer may often encounter in DC traction power. Track Time Constant To properly apply system protection for DC traction power systems, a good understanding of the track time constant (L/R ratio) is re...

Importance Of Anti-Islanding Protection In Cogeneration Systems

Most industrial and commercial facilities consume sizable amounts of electricity to fulfill their goals. These facilities are often equipped with a standby generator that is called into operation during an interruption of the incoming utility supply. However, when these facilities are equipped with a cogeneration system, specialized design and system protection aspects must be considered. What is a Cogeneration System? Cogeneration system is configured to work in parallel with the utility sys...
