ETH Zurich News

Electricity And Heat On Demand, States ETH Zurich

Switzerland aims to transition to a net-​zero energy system by 2050. To meet this goal, it will need to replace fossil fuels with renewables. The Swiss government has also taken the decision to phase out nuclear power. As a result, its plans for carbon neutrality will require not only the electrification of transport and heating by means of electric vehicles and heat pumps, but also measures to compensate for the loss of nuclear generating capacity. To meet increased energy demand, Switzerland...

IEA And Partners Launch Cost Of Capital Observatory Tool To Improve Transparency Over Higher Borrowing Costs For Energy Projects

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and several partners have launched a new tool to track financing costs for energy projects around the world, with the aim of identifying and addressing risks that have impeded vital investment flows to emerging and developing economies. Cost of Capital Observatory The Cost of Capital Observatory was developed by the IEA, together with the World Economic Forum, ETH Zurich and Imperial College London. It will be hosted on the IEA’s website and regularl...
