Equinor News
Phase one of the JIP will run through early 2024, during which DNV and the JIP participants will undertake an inventory of and prioritize key technical issues that stand in the way of the timely and efficient use of HVDC transmission. After ranking the issues based on the participants’ experiences, the group will identify a stakeholder body most responsible for implementing a solution. Members of the JIP Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind DNV EDF Renewables Equinor&nbs...
On World Ocean Day, the Ocean Renewable Energy Action Coalition (OREAC) announced its vision for 1,400 GW of offshore wind globally by 2050 to drive decarbonization and a green economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. This ambition goes beyond current offshore wind forecasts but is entirely achievable considering the resource potential, technology innovation, and government appetite to position offshore wind at the center of the global energy transition. OREAC The Ocean Panel is a unique i...