AEW Energie AG News
The Aare power plant in Klingnau has been reliably producing electricity for almost 90 years. From 2026, Axpo and AEW Energie AG will be renewing the turbines and generators, and investing CHF 71 million to do so. This will increase electricity production by around 11 per cent. Klingnau Aare power plant (AKA) The Klingnau Aare power plant (AKA) has been in operation since 1935 with an installed capacity of 43 MW. Since then, it has produced an average of 210 million kilowatt hours of renewabl...
The Board of Directors of Aarekraftwerk Klingnau AG (AKA) approves the annual report and accounts for the 2019/20 financial year to be presented to the General Meeting of Shareholders on March 12, 2021. Aarekraftwerk Klingnau produced 202 million kilowatt-hours of electricity in the year under review - slightly more than in the previous year. Slightly higher discharge The operation of Aarekraftwerk Klingnau was accident-free and without any significant disruptions in the financial year 2019/2...
The Board of Directors of Aarekraftwerk Klingnau AG (AKA) approved the 2018/19 annual financial statement prepared for the Annual General Meeting to be held on 13 March 2020. In the financial year 2018/19, AKA's energy production to partners amounted to 186 GWh, which was slightly lower as compared to the previous year owing to the below-average water flow in the Aare River. Annual costs also decreased in parallel. Annual financial statement Water flow in the Aare River – with the excep...