Commercial and industrial lighting fixtures consultants in United Kingdom (UK)
CVEA provides electric service to over 3,800 business and residential customers in the Copper River Basin and Valdez regions of the state CVEA covers a large area: 160 miles north to south and 100 miles east to west; provides service from Valdez to Kenny Lake to Sourdough to Sheep Mountain, dependent on fossil fuel (50% of the annual generation requirement), CVEA is not interconnected electrically to any other utility.
Electrika Consultants & Engineers are glad to introduce themselves as one of the premier Electrical consultants with over 25 years of experience. They offer a full range of electrical services to their clients. They are specialized in detailed engineering of Green Filed and Brown Field Projects. They have extensive expertise collaborating with engineering consultants and architects.
Hilton Cannon have a substantial wealth of experience in delivering integrated building services solutions, from the design, build, and maintenance of large-scale commercial & industrial projects, to individual building services installations. They can accommodate any requirement including Electrical Engineering installations within New Build Construction projects and Refurbishment schemes
Housing Solutions provide good quality, affordable homes to rent and buy across the South East of England. They own, manage and maintain more than 7,500 homes, across seven local authorities in and around the Maidenhead area. They offer a wide range of housing options, including affordable homes to rent, properties to buy under shared ownership, market rent properties and specialist accommodation for older people and people who need care.
SCEE Group was founded in 1978. Over time, the SCEE Group has grown to be a renowned and trusted national provider of specialized electrical, instrumentation, communications, security and maintenance services and products, and is diversified across three broad sectors of resources, commercial and infrastructure.