3 Jun 2022

The Turkish office of Würth Elektronik plants a tree for every order of electronic components. Through the "Breath of the Future" campaign, a forest with 10,000 trees is to grow in the Antalya region by next year.

Würth Elektronik is cooperating with OGEM-VAK, the "Foundation for Supporting Forestry Development and Combating Forest Fires". The first 3,000 saplings have already been planted.

OGEM-VAK recognition

"The last forest fire disaster reminded all of us again how incredibly important the work of OGEM-VAK is," says Merze Yegen, Customer Relations Executive, at Würth Elektronik eiSos.

"Our customers are happy to receive a certificate as a ‘thank you' for saying, for example, 'Würth Elektronik has donated 14 saplings for a greener Turkey in your name for the Breath of the Future campaign.'"