30 May 2023

Volta Trucks, the disruptive all-electric commercial vehicle manufacturer and services provider, has announced a partnership with Nexyad to bring the next generation of driving coaching and scoring to aid drivers of the Volta Zero to achieve the safest driving style possible in an urban environment.

Nexyad, the embedded, real-time platform for aggregating onboard data, uses hybrid physics-informed AI to aggregate various data sources from vehicles in real-time and interprets them. This offers Volta Trucks’ drivers simple and relevant information that can help them develop an increasingly prudent driving style, minimizing risk for themselves and other vulnerable road users.

Provides anticipation guidance

The real-time data aggregation platform uses vehicle information and driving conditions to provide a maximum prudent speed recommendation, taking into account the legal speed limit, road roughness, topography of the road, weather conditions, and traffic.

Nexyad’s safety coach, SafetyNex also acts as a virtual co-pilot in the cabin while driving

By recommending a ‘maximum prudent speed’ based on real-time information, the system goes beyond the European requirement ISA (Intelligent Speed Assist). Nexyad’s safety coach, SafetyNex also acts as a virtual co-pilot in the cabin while driving and provides anticipation guidance when necessary, helping to avoid emergency situations that may lead to an accident.

Individual risk profile

The real-world information gathered can then provide drivers with a safety score that reflects their driving style and acts as a catalyst for a range of solutions that motivate safer driving practices.

Meanwhile, fleet managers can effortlessly track and monitor their driver’s performance with greater precision, and insurance companies can accurately assess risk levels and offer tailor-made premiums for every driver’s individual risk profile. For the next few months, Nexyad’s safety coach technology and driving score will be running in Volta Trucks’ prototype vehicles and available for customer trials. All collected data is available to the company operating the truck, which decides on the use of the data based on existing agreements with its drivers.

Next-level information

Safety is at the heart of Volta Trucks and our ambition is to produce the safest trucks possible"

Chief Fleet Solutions Officer of Volta Trucks, Casper Norden said; “Safety is at the heart of Volta Trucks and our ambition is to produce the safest trucks possible for the urban environment.”

The Volta Zero has been engineered from the ground up with both the driver and vulnerable urban road user safety at its core. The innovative system from Nexyad, incorporated into the Volta Zero, provides drivers and fleet operators with next-level information, helping to promote safer driving and making cities safer for all users.”

Prudent recommended speed

Chief Executive Officer of Nexyad, Gerard Yahiaoui said; “Nexyad is very proud to integrate its Artificial Intelligence-based Safety Coach into the very innovative all-electric Volta Zero.”

Our AI technology SafetyNex, brings prudent recommended speed to the dashboard of a truck and will help avoid accidents, particularly in dense city areas where Volta Trucks’ offer makes a lot of sense for delivery. Avoiding accidents is our mission, We Save Lives.”