1 Jul 2020

China's Annual Conference on Electric Reliability Indicators was recently held by the National Energy Administration and China Electricity Council.

At the conference, the annual reliability indicators for generator units at three levels were announced. Shanghai Electric maintained its leadership with equivalent unplanned outage hours (EUOH) decreasing every year. Shanghai Electric has also secured its first place in the number and percentage of awarded units for all three categories.

Annual reliability indicators

Data show that the three types of units at Shanghai Electric have an EUOH of 13.84 hours/unit/year, much lower than 17.84 hours/unit/year and 32.42 hours/unit/year of competitive units. Both 600 MW and 300 MW units rank top in the industry with an EUOH of 6.28 hours/unit/year and 4.98 hours/unit/year respectively.

Among the ten recognized 1000 MW units, seven are from Shanghai Electric, representing a percentage of 70%. As for 600 MW units, Shanghai Electric accounts for 43%, or 8.7 units out of 20. Shanghai Electric ranks first both in terms of the number (19 units) and percentage (38%) of awarded units.