9 Dec 2022

At its meeting, the Supervisory Board of RWE AG made personnel decisions that ensure full continuity in the company's management on the one hand and the planned and seamless transfer of responsibilities on the other.

The appointment of Michael Müller as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Group was extended by the Supervisory Board for a further five years and will now run until 1 November 2028. Michael Müller has already been a member of the Group Executive Board since November 2020 and has been Chief Financial Officer since May 2021.

Executive Board portfolio

Furthermore, the Supervisory Board decided to appoint Katja van Doren as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHO) and Labor Director of RWE AG as of 1 August 2023. In this Executive Board portfolio, which also includes responsibility for IT, she will succeed Zvezdana Seeger, whose contract is coming to an end.

Katja van Doren is currently responsible for Finance, Human Resources and IT on the Executive Board of RWE Generation. In order to ensure a seamless transition, Zvezdana Seeger will continue to assist her in an advisory capacity from August until the end of October.

Author's quote

Werner Brandt, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of RWE AG, said: “We are delighted that Michael Müller's contract is being extended. He is using his deep knowledge to forge ahead with the value-accretive development of the company. In her role, Zvezdana Seeger is consistently adapting the Group's IT and HR departments to the new challenges and sharpening RWE's image as an attractive employer."

He adds, "We very much regret that she will not be available for another term of office due to personal life plans. It is also to her credit that within the RWE Group itself, candidates with the appropriate qualification profile were available to succeed her. In Katja van Doren we have found an outstanding expert who has worked closely with Zvezdana Seeger and knows the Group inside out.”