7 Apr 2022

RWE will play a key role in helping achieve net zero ambitions in the UK, one of its most strategically important markets. The release of the British Energy Security Strategy encourages further large-scale green energy investment and gives investors such as RWE the confidence to grow its business even further. 

It is reassuring to see the commitment from Government to increasing targets and strengthening UK grid infrastructure, as this will be crucial to meet the UK’s net zero ambitions. However, delivery will require appropriate legislative frameworks, a robust infrastructure, and a fully supported supply chain.

Author's quote

RWE is pleased to see the strategy finally come to fruition; as one of the UK’s largest energy generators and biggest renewables companies, RWE has welcomed the chance to play a role in helping Government consider the barriers and opportunities to the deployment of clean, homegrown renewable energy, ensuring future energy security while maintaining a focus on the critical importance of achieving Net Zero. RWE is already the UK’s second-largest generator with an ambitious pipeline of growth opportunities across our fleet and is perfectly positioned to support the development of the UK hydrogen economy, “ Tom Glover, RWE UK Country Chair.

RWE’s offshore development sites

Grid connections and wider network capacity are the single biggest issue impacting the delivery of future wind energy projects. The majority of RWE’s offshore development sites are delayed by more than two years due to transmission connection dates, therefore it is good that the government has recognized that urgent action is required. 

RWE is investing around £5 billion into two UK offshore wind farms-Triton Knoll and Sofia Offshore Wind Farm

The Celtic Sea has significant capability for new, gigawatt-scale floating wind capacity however there is insufficient grid capacity in South Wales. Government must remedy this urgently; RWE looks forward to helping forge solutions that enable local decision-makers to take bold and often challenging decisions quickly, so the country can achieve its targets and provide energy independence for the future.

New adjacent offshore sites

RWE is a leader in renewable energies in the UK, having pioneered both onshore and offshore wind over more than 20 years. It is also one of the largest providers of firm flexible generation, which is crucial for the security of supply. The energy strategy clearly supports the rapid role out of offshore large-scale wind development by delivering 50 GW by 2030. 

RWE has a clear track record in this regard and with partners, RWE is investing around £5 billion into two UK offshore wind farms-Triton Knoll and Sofia Offshore Wind Farm. Over the next decade, RWE is also looking to accelerate its deployment of wind power across the UK. It is currently developing four new offshore wind farms, which represent a combined potential installed capacity of around 2.6 GW (RWE’s pro rata share 1.3 GW) and is the preferred bidder for two new adjacent offshore sites on Dogger Bank with a potential installed capacity of 3 GW. 

Green hydrogen projects

RWE has ambitions for development of floating wind in Celtic Sea, and a 100 MW hydrogen plant in South Wales

RWE has ambitions for the development of floating wind in the Celtic Sea, and an initial 100 MW hydrogen plant in South Wales; and the company welcomes that the government has listened to the industry and increased the target for hydrogen to 10 GW, with a minimum 50% green hydrogen target. This acknowledges hydrogen’s role as an essential component on the pathway to net zero, particularly in ‘hard to decarbonize’ sectors, like industry, heavy load transport, and aviation. The company looks forward to greater clarity on volumes and support for ramping up to GW-scale green hydrogen projects by the middle of this decade. 

The company welcomes onshore wind and solar being included in future CfD rounds, and the commitment to tackle connection and grid reinforcement issues, necessary to deliver these technologies. We look forward to working with the government, Ofgem, and the new Electricity Networks Commissioner to resolve these.

UK’s energy partner

Tom Glover underlined the company’s commitment: “RWE is positioned across all green technologies that are driving the energy transition and is a reliable partner for ensuring clean and flexible energy security for the long-term. We stand ready to help drive the delivery of this strategy as the UK’s energy partner for the future. This is a pivotal point for the energy sector, and will require experience, expertise and trusted partners to deliver. It is important that industry joins together to deliver this strategy at pace, on time, on budget and safely, and in a way that engages communities.”

RWE is at the forefront of green innovation and is committing to investing £15 billion in the UK in green energy projects by 2030. The company has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the development of hydrogen and is involved in 30 projects and is pioneering three floating offshore wind projects with partners across Europe.