12 Feb 2020

E.ON has been identified as a pioneer for engaging in its supply chain and as energy supplier on climate change, being awarded a position on the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard by global environmental impact non-profit CDP. E.ON has been recognized for its actions and strategies to reduce emissions and manage climate risks in its supply chain in the past reporting year.

Over 4,800 companies in total were assessed by CDP and given a Supplier Engagement Rating, based on answers to selected questions about governance, targets, scope 3 emissions, and value chain engagement of their response to the CDP 2019 climate change questionnaire and their overall CDP climate change score. E.ON is among the top 3 percent of organizations assessed by CDP this year.

Germany's first energy company

We are providing our customers with the most advanced solutions to reduce their carbon footprint

Johannes Teyssen, CEO of E.ON SE and Chief Sustainability Officer of the group said: “As Germany's first energy company dedicated entirely to the new energy world, we are aware of our important role in climate protection and we act on it.”

This implies the need to target especially our responsibility as energy supplier of our 50 million customers. Already back in 2017 we had set ambitious goals for climate protection. We will reduce CO2 emissions of our own operations by 30 percent and those related to power and gas we provide to our customers by 50 percent, both compared to the baseline of 2016.”

Furthermore, we are providing our customers with the most advanced solutions to reduce their carbon footprint. This is our way to live responsible partnerships in climate protection.”

Showing leadership

Dexter Galvin, Director of Corporates and Supply Chains at CDP said: “Congratulations to all the companies on the CDP Supplier Engagement Leaderboard for this year. They are showing leadership on engaging their suppliers to manage climate risk and cut emissions.”

Given that supply chain emissions are on average 5.5 times as high as a company’s operational emissions, this couldn’t be more crucial. If we are to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and decarbonize the economy, then other companies learning from these leaders and engaging their suppliers is going to be vital.”

Driving companies and governments

CDP is a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions

CDP is a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests.

Voted number one climate research provider by investors and working with institutional investors with assets of $96 trillion, CDP leverages investor and buyer power to motivate companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts.

Over 8,400 companies with over 50 percent of global market capitalization disclosed environmental data through CDP in 2019. This is in addition to the over 920 cities, states and regions that disclosed, making CDP’s platform one of the richest sources of information globally on how companies and governments are driving environmental change.