22 Dec 2023

EG Electronics offers both subassembly testing and end-product testing. Its new service provides peace of mind to customers, as well as immunity from some of the risks associated with high-value technology purchases. 

The current digital world is always on, constantly evolving, and changing, so confidence in technology is crucial for business. 

How does testing service work?

Reliability and environmental testing give all the information about how the finished product performs in the conditions and environments in which it will be used. It will also show users how well the finished product operates in harsh environments, and how it will respond to different conditions like heat, cold, and moisture.

For customers who do not have their testing equipment, this can provide crucial information and prove that the solution is robust and that it will perform well in the target environment.

How does testing service work?

When the original manufacturers produce component pieces, these pieces will be tested in isolation to make sure that they are fit for purpose.

All the components, EG Electronics source and assemble to make a solution have been tested individually, but not all together. Therefore, it is offering a service to fully test the assembled solution before shipping.