21 Oct 2022

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Mitsubishi Electric) announced that it has joined the Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER) as a Founding Member (Regular Member).

JaCER was established in June 2022, in order to support and promote the redress of grievances by companies. JaCER provides a non-judicial ‘Engagement and Remedy Platform’ for grievance redress, based on the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

JaCER’s ‘Engagement and Remedy Platform’

Through its ‘Engagement and Remedy Platform’, JaCER receives complaints and reports of cases of violations

Through its ‘Engagement and Remedy Platform’, JaCER receives complaints and reports of cases of violations and suspected violations of the international codes of conduct and the internal regulations established by countries, and aims to act in a professional capacity to support and promote redress of grievances by member companies.

Mitsubishi Electric has been handling complaints and allegations of human rights abuses using its own internal processes. However, the company has decided to join JaCER, in order to more promptly uncover any such allegations, further strengthen its corrective measures, and improve transparency in redressing grievances in its supply chain.

‘Mitsubishi Electric Group Human Rights Policy’

Building on the company’s formulation of the ‘Mitsubishi Electric Group Human Rights Policy’ in September 2017 and its promotion of sustainability initiatives through its membership of the Responsible Business Alliance, announced in February 2022, the company will continue to strengthen its grievance handling mechanisms, in order to promote respect for human rights in society.