28 Sep 2023

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announces that an individual Executive Officer’s division of duties will be changed effective October 1, 2023, pursuant to a resolution passed during a regular meeting of the Board of Directors, held on September 28, 2023.

The Company also announces a change in division of duties for an individual Executive Officer (Associate) to be taken place on the same date.


  • (1) Review of Executive Officer’s Division of Duties (effective October 1, 2023)

Name - Satoshi Takeda; Assignments and positions (as of October 1, 2023) - Executive Officer, CSO (In charge of Corporate Strategic Planning, IR/SR, Operations of Associated Companies, Three Key Reforms, and Sustainability), CDO (In charge of DX, Vice President, Business Innovation); Assignments and positions (as of September 28, 2023) - Executive Officer, In charge of Auditing, CSO (In charge of Corporate Strategic Planning, IR/SR, Operations of Associated Companies, Three Key Reforms, and Sustainability).

  • (2) Review of Executive Officer (Associate)’s Division of Duties (effective October 1, 2023)

Name - Hiroshi Tsuchimoto; Assignments and positions (as of October 1, 2023) - Executive Officer, In charge of Auditing, Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategic Planning Division; Assignments and positions (as of September 28, 2023) - Executive Officer, Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategic Planning Division.