30 Aug 2022

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announces, that effective August 29, 2022, per a special audit, LRQA Limited will rescind the suspension of the certification under the ISO 9001 international standard for quality management systems at the company’s Kobe Works (Kobe-city, Hyogo Prefecture) and Energy Systems Center (Kobe-city, Hyogo Prefecture).

The LRQA Limited suspended this certification on June 22, 2022, in connection with certain quality-related conduct at the works/center, as announced on May 25, 2022. The ISO 9001 certification (ISO 9001:2015/JIS Q 9001:2015; registration number ISO 9001 - 0076657-001 (Kobe Works) / ISO 9001 - 0076657-002 (Energy Systems Center) is an international standard for quality management systems.