7 May 2021

A new guide provides assistance and recommendations on how to best specify cable containment systems to improve electrical safety in buildings in the event of a fire.

Free to download, it explains how to create a cable pathway through a building while navigating the current standards landscape.

electrical installation standards

From 1 January 2019, UK electrical installation standards require all wiring systems within a building

'Creating Cable Pathways' guide is published by Legrand UK and Ireland, and takes on board changes to IET Wiring Regulations. It is in line with Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review of Building Regulations.  

From 1 January 2019, UK electrical installation standards require all wiring systems within a building to be adequately supported against their premature collapse in the event of a fire. This is a substantial update to improve electrical safety in buildings.

nine-page guide

The nine-page guide provides an overview of fire safety in design, management, and use and the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). It also explains the relevant changes to regulations including:

  • Protection against thermal effects.
  • Locations with a risk of fire due to the nature of processed or stored materials.
  • Selection and erection of wiring systems.
  • Wiring systems to minimize the spread of fire.

Information in the guide is relevant to key stakeholders such as architects, designers, consultants, and electrical contractors.

Safety excellence

Mark Williams, Lead Marketing Manager – Cable Management for Legrand UK & Ireland, said, “Safety excellence in wiring has been heightened in recent years and wiring systems must be adequately supported against their premature collapse in the event of a fire. As the built environment continues to evolve, installers must ensure they have absolute knowledge of the changes to fully equip themselves and their projects against hazards.”

In addition to the guide, Legrand is also providing online training materials designed for professionals to upgrade skills and knowledge in this area.