25 Feb 2022

Ingeteam is kicking off 2022 with the commissioning of southern Europe's largest ultra-rapid EV charging hub for Iberdrola and Porsche. The hub, which is located in Elche in southern Spain, at a site that is very close to Alicante airport, offers two charging stations, one in each direction of the highway and with a rated output power of 4MW.

The stations comprise sixteen RAPID ST units with different output powers and offer the possibility of charging up to sixteen vehicles simultaneously.

Vehicle's specific requirements

This charging station is equipped with the new INGECON SUN STORAGE Power Series B

Four of the points permit charging at 400 kW, the highest power on the market, making it possible to fully charge a vehicle in approximately five minutes. The other twelve points have a charging range of up to 200 kW.

What is more, this charging station is equipped with the new INGECON SUN STORAGE Power Series B. This is an AC/DC converter that generates a direct current bus for the RAPID ST, in other words, it converts alternating to direct current and the Ingeteam chargers are then responsible for adapting the voltage to each vehicle's specific requirements.

Sustainable energy model

Therefore, the sixteen charging points at the hub, including the 400 kW charger, which is the most powerful on the market, can achieve a total output power of 4MW.

Ingeteam is continuing to work towards its goal of achieving a more sustainable future, under the premise of obtaining zero emissions and aiming to create the best technology that will contribute to decarbonization and to the achievement of a more sustainable energy model.