23 Jun 2022

Ameren Missouri., a subsidiary of Ameren Corporation, is announcing an update to its 20-year energy plan to ensure reliability and resiliency for customers for years to come.

The updated plan accelerates clean energy additions, reduces carbon emissions even further in the short term, and moves up Ameren Corporation's net-zero carbon emissions goal by five years to 2045.

Long-Term Energy Plan Focuses on Clean and Reliable Energy

Ameren Missouri's updated IRP addresses meeting the critical needs over the coming decades

The need for reliable, resilient, and affordable energy has never been greater. Ameren Missouri's updated Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) addresses meeting those critical needs over the coming decades.

"Our newly updated long-term energy plan accelerates the addition of clean wind and solar energy sources and further reduces emissions by 2030," said Mark Birk, chairman, and president of Ameren Missouri.

"By thoughtfully transitioning energy generation sources, we continue to get the energy we provide as clean as we can, as fast as we can, without compromising on reliability, resiliency or affordability for our customers."

Highlights of the updated plan

Highlights of the updated plan include:

  • Accelerating Ameren's companywide net-zero carbon emissions goal to 2045. This goal now encompasses both Scope 1 and 2 emissions including other greenhouse gas emissions of methane, nitrous oxide, and sulfur hexafluoride. This goal is dependent on a variety of factors including cost-effective advancements in innovative clean energy technologies as well as constructive federal and state energy and economic policies.
  • Increasing the 2030 carbon emissions reduction target from 50% to 60% based on 2005 levels. Ameren maintains its interim goal of an 85% carbon emissions reduction by 2040. These goals are consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
  • Retiring more than 3,500 MW of fossil-fired generation by 2030, an increase from the 2020 IRP by more than 1,600 MW. By the end of 2030, three of the four Ameren Missouri coal-fired facilities are expected to retire.
  • Adding 2,800 MW of clean wind and solar generation by 2030, an increase of 400 MW from the 2020 IRP, representing a potential investment of approximately $4.3 billion.
  • Adding a total of 4,700 MW of renewable generation by 2040, which reflects a potential investment of approximately $7.5 billion.
  • Deploying 800 MW of battery energy storage, representing a potential investment of approximately $650 million.

commitments to support communities across Missouri

New technologies are critical to achieving the company's net-zero goal

"We're building upon our previous commitments to support communities across Missouri by investing billions of dollars in clean energy, creating thousands of jobs, and growing our solid base of carbon-free generation," said Ajay Arora, chief renewable development officer at Ameren Missouri.

"Our plan relies on a broad mix of resources alongside focused energy efficiency and demand response programs, which further support families and businesses in the state by saving them money on their energy statements."

New technologies are critical to achieving the company's net-zero goal. To maintain energy reliability and resiliency for customers after the retirement of three coal-fired energy centers by the end of 2030, the company plans a 1,200 MW combined-cycle energy center to be in service by 2031.

Dispatchable resource capable of utilizing hydrogen fuels

Plans call for this dispatchable resource to be capable of utilizing a portion of hydrogen fuels and the ability to be retrofitted for carbon capture and storage once those technologies become fully mature. The location of the planned energy center has not yet been determined.

"Ensuring reliability and resiliency while continuing to reduce emissions is imperative," Birk said. "A responsible transition, taking advantage of maturing technologies when they're ready, can accomplish both."

energy efficiency and demand response programs

The company also plans to continue robust, cost-effective customer energy efficiency and demand response programs

The company also plans to continue robust, cost-effective customer energy efficiency and demand response programs with peak demand reduction of more than 1,200 MW by 2030 and cumulative energy savings surpassing 2.5 million megawatt-hours by 2030.

That's enough energy to power more than 220,000 homes for a year. Since 2019 and inclusive of preliminary 2021 data, these programs have saved approximately 800,000 megawatt-hours.

The plan is available at AmerenMissouri.com/Clean, along with detailed information about clean energy and energy efficiency programs for residential customers and businesses. In addition to this update, Ameren Missouri anticipates filing its regular, triennial IRP in September 2023.

What Experts Are Saying About the Plan

Integral to the IRP process is an ongoing dialogue and information sharing with stakeholders including consumer, environmental, and community groups. Leaders from across the region support Ameren's updated plan and its focus on reliability while accelerating renewable energy additions. 

clean and renewable solar energy

This project will bring clean, renewable solar energy to the community across Missouri

"Southeast Missouri State University is proud to be an Ameren Missouri customer and a partner on the Neighborhood Solar project being constructed on our main campus in Cape Girardeau. This project will bring clean, renewable solar energy to our community, including our university."

"The solar panels also provide covered parking at the Show Me Center. We are excited and thankful for these benefits which are part of Ameren Missouri's Smart Energy Plan and the company's efforts to bring more green energy to the grid as part of its commitment to a net-zero carbon emissions goal by 2045. This project represents meaningful progress that will impact our students, our state, and our energy future." Dr. Carlos Vargas, President, Southeast Missouri State University.

recognizing Ameren Missouri

"We rely on energy for so much in our daily lives. We count on reliable electricity to provide lighting, heating and cooling for our homes and businesses; power our many devices; and provide energy to our factories that manufacture products and provide jobs."

"With so many states announcing the likelihood of summer brownouts or blackouts, it is important that we recognize Ameren Missouri for always providing safe, secure, and stable energy for its millions of customers and for bringing more renewable energy into their generation mix as they look to the future." Chris Ventura, Executive Director, Consumer Energy Alliance – Midwest.

Supporting efforts

"The Missouri Chamber recognizes the advantage of reliable, resilient, and affordable electricity and natural gas in retaining and attracting business to our state. The Missouri Chamber supports Ameren Missouri's all-of-the-above approach to electricity generation including coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, and renewable sources as they make the transition to clean energy. We also support their grid modernization efforts that drive greater resiliency, rate affordability, and economic development opportunities." – Dan Mehan, Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry