23 May 2022

Aico recently welcomed Year 4’s from Woodside Primary School across three days for fun filled educational workshops aimed at raising awareness about fire safety and hazards in the home; the students’ first school trip since 2019.

The children received a tour of Aico’s headquarters, enabling them to interact with colleagues from various departments and explore the facilities. They enjoyed a game of pool in Aico’s canteen and experienced the relaxation room onsite, before participating in a range of activities in Aico’s Centre of Excellence.

Fast-paced environment

Students participated in a box challenge, which required them to pick and pack orders efficiently and accurately, providing an insight into the fast-paced environment of the warehouse. Students also participated in a fire safety workshop, where they were given the challenge to identify hazards within Aico’s mock bungalow rooms.

An arts and crafts session involved the children designing their own hazard house and placing alarms into the rooms they thought required them. To conclude the visit, the students presented Fire Safety posters they had completed at school to their classmates in Aico’s auditorium, sharing knowledge and thoughts surrounding fire safety.

Delivering educational sessions

Woodside Primary School’s visit was made special as my son Billy Jennings was one of students participating"

Aico colleagues were involved in these activities, delivering the educational sessions, with Technical Advisor, Dave Jennings participating in the Woodside Primary School visit. He comments “Woodside Primary School’s visit was made special as my son Billy Jennings was one of students participating.

We had a few activities for them to do, one of which was the box challenge, which they thoroughly enjoyed. Especially using the tape machine to seal the box. When I went home that evening Billy said that all the students enjoyed their time at Aico and said that it was the best day ever!”

Offering careers advice

Emily Bound, teacher at Woodside Primary School, comments “The children in Year 4 were kindly asked to visit Aico so that they could learn how a business works and also about fire safety. They had a great time at Aico, with many of the children coming away from the day saying that they would like to work at Aico when they are older! The relaxation room was definitely a favorite of the children! Thank you for letting us visit, I am sure the children will be talking about it for a long time.”

Aico colleagues regularly volunteer to participate in educational sessions. Aico understands the importance of supporting education, developing a range of initiatives to support students in their local communities, from work experience placements, delivering educational sessions and offering careers advice and guidance.