11 May 2023

As power grids evolve, transitioning away from fossil fuel sources to renewable energy, connecting battery energy storage systems ensures the grid remains stable. ABB’s new power supply device, the CP-S.1 24/20.0, provides the secure, energy-efficient connection that battery storage systems require.

Renewable generation is intermittent and battery storage systems are a good way to smooth out this intermittency. Deploying batteries close to major electricity infrastructure enables them to store energy when demand and prices are low – and feed energy back into the grid when demand and prices are high.

PAD Technology

PAD Technology provides turnkey monitoring and control solutions for the energy industry

UK-based PAD Technology is a specialist electrical and software company providing turnkey monitoring and control solutions for the energy industry.

The company is delivering the network solution for Tesla’s UK rollout of its megapack battery storage systems, using ABB’s latest CP-S.1 power supplies, UFD.M33 Grid Feeding relays (G99) and programmable logic controllers (PLCs).

Battery storage systems require advanced network topologies, cybersecurity and robust resilience to ensure they can be monitored and can connect to the grid reliably,” says Philp Jones, Director of PAD Technology, adding “The switchgear and advanced control solutions we supply to battery storage systems use ABB components to provide the highest standards of performance.”

ABB’s new-generation CP-S.1 24/20.0

Energy transition requires partnerships like this to bring together technology, knowledge and skills,” says Shane White, UK Product Marketing Specialist, ABB Electrification, adding, “The adoption of smart technologies that support electrification and energy storage require advanced infrastructure. Partnerships and collaboration are essential to ensure companies deploying new technologies have the enabling infrastructure and support to drive progress.”

ABB’s new-generation CP-S.1 24/20.0 power supply system connects the battery and the grid, packaging AC-DC power converters, transformers, and switchgear. The CP-S.1 power supply range combines the high efficiency of up to 94% and reliability in a compact footprint. Its high efficiency and reduced power loss make it a cost-saving solution for large-scale applications.

CP-S.1 24/40.0 power supply

ABB is committed to supporting the companies driving energy transition,” says Philp Jones, Director of Pad Technology. “Technologies such as the new CP-S.1 24/20.0 power supply system enables battery storage systems to perform more efficiently and profitably.”

With an efficiency of up to 94%, the CP-S.1 24/40.0 power supply can save up to 1.4 tons of CO2 over a typical lifetime of ten years, compared to standard devices with 92 percent efficiency. ABB’s robust design incorporates a PCBA coating and marine certification, makes CP-S.1 power supplies suitable for marine, solar and wind applications. ABB’s unrivaled power-to-space ratio delivers space savings of up to 50 percent.