Scolmore News
A leading player in the UK wiring accessories market, Scolmore is continually looking at ways to improve and develop its existing product offer, and to explore new areas for expansion. The result of its latest new product development program completes the company’s offer in the wiring accessories category - bringing to market a comprehensive Consumer Unit and Circuit Protection range. Marketed under the name ‘Elucian by Click’, the official launch comes followin...
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way enterprises normally interact with wholesale customers and contractors, with live events, exhibitions and face-to-face meetings postponed or canceled for the foreseeable future. Scolmore understands the importance of engaging with the audiences, in order to help get the company’s products and messages, in front of them. To this end, Scolmore has been working behind the scenes, in order to develop a brand-new exhibition experience, whose door...