Electrical tools services in Belgium
Eneko meets the needs of the sector with its effective and cost-efficient technology products complying with Turkish and European standards, while keeping up the quality on ventilation and heat/energy recovery systems.
Enemalta Corporation offers a broad range of services to the industrial, commercial, and domestic sectors in the energy field. Set up in 1977, the Corporation undertakes a broad range of operations, incorporating both the importation and distribution of petroleum products and liquefied petroleum gas as well as the generation and distribution of electricity to all sectors of Maltese society.
Energa Elektrownie Ostrołęka is the only system power plant in the north-eastern region, ensuring safe operation of the National Power System. The operation of its units is necessary due to the existing network constraints in the north-eastern part of the National Power System.
Energy Research Company - EPE aims to provide services in the area of studies and research aimed at subsidizing the planning of the energy sector, such as electricity, oil and natural gas and their derivatives, mineral coal, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, among others.
energyRe is a developer of large-scale clean energy solutions encompassing both generation and transmission assets, with industry-leading capabilities in financial packaging, engineering, construction management and regulatory affairs. energyRe has offices in New York, Houston, Indianapolis and Charleston in USA.
Engineering Power Solutions is an independent specialist Electrical Engineering & Design Consultancy firm. Engineering Power Solutions (EPS) are a team of highly skilled and experienced professional Chartered Electrical Engineers, Designers, Project Managers, and Power System Consultants with a passion for providing exceptional Electrical Engineering solutions to their clients.
Engineering Systems & Projects Ltd is an organization specializing in the design, manufacture and installation of a wide range of manufacturing engineering systems. They offer a complete portfolio of project engineering and consultancy services. These include full Turnkey solutions including up-front studies, specification, detailed design, installation, commissioning and training or any subset as required.
Founded in 1996, Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) is an industry analyst firm that provides deep insight across the full spectrum of IT and data management technologies. EMA analysts leverage a unique combination of practical experience, insight into industry best practices, and in-depth knowledge of current and planned vendor solutions to help their clients achieve their goals.
Evercomm helps enterprises manage energy as a strategic resources, closely coupled with the process to facilitate and produce products. They are convinced that the most efficacious way to bring positive climate change is by reducing the GHG emissions by industries, starting with the industrial and commercial sectors.
FlexiiC is a young company created from a solid base of R+D+i in microelectronics, additive manufacturing, and advanced fabrication together with years of consolidated experience in research and innovation. Objective is to bring to the market the different innovations in the flexible electronics circuits design pushing the solution to into the circular economy and personalized products following the industry 5.0 objectives.
For the past 60 years, Frost & Sullivan has partnered with corporations, cities, governments, and investor communities to identify, prioritize, and execute business opportunities that power clients toward a future shaped by growth. They apply actionable insights to create a stream of innovative growth opportunities for their customers
G4S Technology are a global market pioneer in providing fully integrated security solutions (including Access Control and Video) protecting everything from small offices and schools to large multi-national organizations and high security Government facilities around the world.
At Gefran, they are an Italian multinational company specialized in designing and manufacturing sensors, drives, systems and components for automation and control of industrial processes.
GENERA is trusted by companies in medical, automotive, and consumer product industries. The company has reimagined additive manufacturing as a comprehensive process: printing and post-processing happen in a closely connected system, which delivers improved and repeatable results.
The General Electric Company (GE) is an American multinational company. For more than 125 years, GE has invented the future of industry. Today, GE is best known for its work in the Power, Renewable Energy, Aviation and Healthcare industries.
GMB Electrical Service routinely provides maintenance services for large and small-scale commercial establishments (including hotels, medical offices, and retail stores). Equipped with the industry’s best tools and technology, the experts at GMB Electrical Service will protect your Foxborough, Mansfield, Easton, Norfolk, or Southeastern Massachusetts commercial property, and maintain its equipment so you can do business safely and efficiently.
Göteborg Energi is more than an ordinary energy company. As well as producing and delivering energy they are also working toward a bigger end goal - a sustainable Gothenburg. They are a part of the municipality of Gothenburg.
GravitHy accelerates the decarbonization of the steel industry, by eliminating the CO2 emissions in the iron production step, currently responsible for approximately 80% of the CO2 in the production of steel. GravitHy will produce renewable and low carbon Hydrogen (H2) for use in the production of decarbonized Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) or Hot-Briquetted Iron (HBI), supplied globally to steelmakers.
For 150 years, GreenAlp have been distributing gas and electricity for the city of Grenoble. This distributor business relies on their unique technical know-how combined with a genuine customer culture. GreenAlp is the 6th French distributor of electricity and the 4th in natural gas. GreenAlp is responsible for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and development of its networks.
Grodno is the largest Polish distributor of electrical engineering, operating on the Polish market for 31 years. It is actively developing the green energy segment in terms of photovoltaics, heat pumps and electric vehicle charging stations.
Hanson Electrical Ltd. has been the name to trust for great products and great service by generations of people in Hull and the East Riding. The company was established in 1986 and has so far sold appliances to over a million satisfied customers.
Since 1960, Harger has been providing solutions to the lightning protection and grounding industries. They have experience in all facets of these markets, including engineering, systems design, product manufacturing and installation. Their engineering department provides design services for engineers and contractors domestically, as well as internationally.
Hitachi commits to helping achieve a sustainable world and people's well-being by utilizing their breadth of digital and green technologies. Since its founding in 1910, Hitachi has responded to the expectations of society and its customers through technology and innovation. They work to apply their expertise in information technology (IT), operational technology (OT), and a wide variety of products to advance social infrastructure systems.
Housing Solutions provide good quality, affordable homes to rent and buy across the South East of England. They own, manage and maintain more than 7,500 homes, across seven local authorities in and around the Maidenhead area. They offer a wide range of housing options, including affordable homes to rent, properties to buy under shared ownership, market rent properties and specialist accommodation for older people and people who need care.
Hutaib Electricals are Pune-based manufacturers, supplier, and exporter of outstanding variety of cable trays, raceways draw boxes & industrial fabrications. The company has expertise in manufacturing products like perforated cable trays, ladder type cable trays, trunking cable trays / raceways, basket trays / wire mesh cable trays, junction boxes, raceways boxes and their accessories, such as bends, elbows, tees, cross, reducers, and many more.
Hydrobox NV is a Belgian company developing hydro power plants that harvest the power of running water and then transform it into electricity to provide an affordable, reliable, sustainable and scalable source of electricity for rural households in developing countries.
Iberdrola is a global energy leader and the number one producer of wind power, and one of the world's biggest electricity utilities, in terms of market capitalization. They have brought the energy transition forward two decades to combat climate change and provide a clean, reliable and smart business model.
Boise, Idaho-based IDACORP is a holding company comprised of Idaho Power Company, a regulated electric utility; IDACORP Financial, a holder of affordable housing projects and other real estate investments; and Ida-West Energy, an operator of small hydroelectric generation projects that satisfy the requirements of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978.
Indaver offers high-quality, sustainable and cost-efficient Total Waste Management solutions to large scale industry and public authorities. For each type of waste we offer a tailored solution thanks to our 30 years of expertise and our wide range of inhouse facilities and processing possibilities with third parties.
INELMATEC NV is a family business that since its foundation in 1978 has grown into a specialist distributor of industrial automation components. Inelmatec represents on the Belgian market some 20 manufacturers on an exclusive basis, with whom a long-term relationship of trust has been built up.
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